Mechanical Engineering
Every building differs in design, code, and environmental variables. We design system solutions for both new and existing facilities. The engineers at Net Positive evaluate project constraints by asking questions to understand the owners needs so that we can deliver a system that meets their desired results. We incorporate technology to achieve intended outcomes. This technology includes chillers, cooling towers, boilers, custom air handler design, variable refrigerant flow, package units, various control system solutions, and more.

Fire Sprinkler
Designing a fire sprinkler system for your building that meets design and functionality is crucial. We provide wet fire sprinkler system designs for both new and existing facilities across various types of building construction, occupancies, and hazard levels. Collaborating with the local Fire Marshal, we ensure adequate flow rates, conduct building and site hydraulic analysis, develop layout designs, perform seismic analysis and design, and design fire pumps.

The right plumbing system design is one of the most essential components of any building. The engineers at Net Positive design plumbing systems to fit your buildings needs, encompassing waste management, domestic water, and natural gas. We also design additional critical systems such as storm drains, medical gas, and other specialty gas systems required for labs and industrial applications

Innovating to Confront Advancing Codes and Extreme Environments
The California state code is extremely complex. Coupled with the extreme conditions of the Central Valley, including air quality issues, extreme heat, and water scarcity, we develop innovative systems that strike the perfect balance of these challenges. We strive to generate designs unique to the end user within the parameters of the owner’s budget.

Zero-Net-Energy Solutions
Sustainability, decarbonization, and zero-net-energy are the hot buzz-words of today. At Net Positive, the engineers have the expertise of incorporating system solutions that aim for a more sustainable environment while utilizing carbon free solutions. Depending on the application, these solutions have also resulted in additional funding for various state agencies.

Design-Build Criteria Consultant
As a hired representative of the owner, we work with various maintenance and facilities staff to establish the minimum design criteria, design the system, and delivery of standards to guide a design-built contractor through a successful project planning and design process. Once pre-construction is complete, we work with the established team through the execution and construction phase to ensure the owners desires are met.

Facility Assessments
Facility assessments allow the end user/owner to gain knowledge of the systems performance and potential shortfalls, identify existing system limitations, and investigate building constraints. This allows us to evaluate and identify possible solutions that we can put into place to achieve the new goals for the system. The assessment often includes analysis of equipment life expectancy, code analysis based on code occupancy, constructability and phasing analysis, and cost implications.

Project Management and AHJ Lead
Net Positive can take your mechanical projects from conception to permitting. By acting as your project representative, we work to assemble the best team of sub-consultants that ensure your project’s design elements are appropriately accounted for. As your representative, we move your project from permitting and approval through local, state, and federal agencies.

Construction Administration
The pivotal phase of any project occurs during construction, when the owner’s vision becomes reality and the design comes to life. With attention to detail and follow through, we maintain positive relationships between contractors and owners, ensuring a smooth and progressive construction process.

Analyzing the current facility and system is of the utmost importance. This analysis allows us to determine improvements to sustain the buildings life or to evolve into the next phase of the building. This includes analysis of code, constructability, site constraints, system condition and age, and related improvements that must be addressed to accommodate the upgrade.